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What payment methods do you accept?

We accept the following payment methods listed below. Your details are safe with us as we take security very seriously. Paypal. Google / Apple Pay. Credit and Debit cards (VISA, Mastercard, Diners Club, American Express, JCB, and Discover Network). W

Which currency will I be charged in?

All prices on Shapessy are listed in US Dollars.

How secure is my personal information?

Shapessy adheres to the highest industry standards of protecting your personal information. All information submitted via our website is 100% SECURE and private. Your credit card information and personal details are encrypted during transmission. We

I've been overcharged for my order, what should I do?

We're sorry if you've been charged more than you were expecting for your order. There are a couple of reasons why it may appear you've been charged more than you were expecting. Step 1: Check your currency. Please be advised that prices are in US Dol